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PowerLock II.cpt
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128 lines
{AddOnIntf, © Rohan Cook, November 1991}
{Part of the PowerLock Security Package}
{This source code can be used in any fashion by all PowerLock users}
{Provides an interface between PowerLock and code resources of type 'adOn'}
{For information about this source, see the PowerLock package or write to:}
{ Rohan Cook }
{ PO Box 317 }
{ Mornington Vic 3931 }
{ Australia }
{0.1 1/10/91 . commenced writing interface}
{0.2 27/10/91 . implemented cbReqUsedToday}
{0.3 7/11/91 . implemented aReqPWOK message}
{0.4 8/11 . cbReqLogRaw written}
{0.5 18/11 . support for aReqDlgItem introduced}
{ . addOn data format changed to include 'dlg' & 'item'}
{ . interface file includes constants for each of PowerLock's dialogs}
{0.6 23/11 . added cbReqUserID}
{ . modified adOnRec to incl both PLs AOintf version and the actual add-ons AOintf version}
{ . aReqStartUp sets aoAOIFVers}
{ . put intf versions at start of record}
{ . PL modified to check versions}
{0.7 12/12 . wrote cbReqIsLicenced}
{1.00 12/12 . release version of addOn interface}
unit adOnIntf;
{adOn Data Type - passed between adOn and PowerLock}
{-> = data that is sent from PowerLock}
{<- = result that your adOn resource can return}
{<-> = two way data}
adOnPtr = ^adOnRec;
adOnRec = record
plAOIFVers: integer; { -> PowerLocks AddOn Interface Version - format as per PowerLock Version}
aoAOIFVers: integer; {<- The AddOns AddOn Interface Version - returned in aReqStartUp}
plVersion: integer; { -> PowerLock Version: 200 = 2.0.0, 204=2.0.4 etc}
username: str255; {<-> username, if used and entered, NUL if not}
attempts: integer; { -> number of password attempts so far}
userData: handle; {<-> unused data handle - user data can be stored here}
bool: boolean; { -> miscellaneous boolean result}
continue: boolean; {<- normally true - return false to abandon current operation}
misc: handle; { -> handle to miscellaneous data}
dlg: integer; { -> Resource ID of current dialog}
item: integer; { -> item # of dialog item in question}
err: OSErr; {<- last error code}
request: str255; {<- data to pass thru to call back routine}
result: str255; { -> result returned after callbacks}
fileRef: integer; { -> ref # of resource file containing addon}
callBackProc: procPtr; { -> pointer to callback handling procedure}
reserved1: longint; { do NOT use any reserved fields}
reserved2: longint;
reserved3: longint;
reserved4: str255;
{AddOn Requestors}
{NOTE: requestors marked • will allow cancellation of the operation by returning 'continue:=false'}
aReqStartUp = 1; {sent as soon as PowerLock is initialised}
aReqTimeOut = 2; {• just before PL times out}
aReqChangeBtn = 3; {• when Change button is pressed}
aReqShutDownBtn = 4; {• when ShutDown button is pressed}
aReqPrefsBtn = 5; {• when Prefs button is pressed}
aReqOKBtn = 6; {• when OK on main dialog is pressed}
aReqUserListBtn = 7; {• when Userlist button on Prefs dialog is pressed}
aReqSaveUserList = 8; {• sent when userlist is about to be saved username = SuperUser name}
aReqShutDown = 9; {• sent whenever PowerLock is about to be shutdown}
aReqQuit = 10; {sent immediately before PowerLock quits}
aReqPWIncorrect = 11; {sent whenever illegal password entered attempts=total # bad attempts at pw, username=username entered}
aReqPWOK = 12; {• sent once password has been validated}
aReqDlgItem = 13; {• sent whenever a dialog item has an event}
aReqBootBlocks = 20; {• sent on Boot Blocks button in Prefs bool=current state (before click) of button}
aReqVersion = 99; {sent when PowerLock 2nd About Box requested}
{CallBack Requests}
cbReqLog = 1; {log username & 'request' & time & date to the log file if log file enabled}
cbReqLogRaw = 2; {log 'request' to log file 'as is' regardless if log file enabled - adds a return to the end of 'request'}
cbReqMsg = 3; {display 'request' in PL message box}
cbReqAlert = 4; {display 'request' as a PL Stop Alert Box}
cbReqShutDown = 5; {shut down PowerLock}
cbReqDraw = 6; {create new window, draw file 'request', wait for an event, close window}
cbReqYesNo = 7; {prompt with 'request', return in result 'Y' or 'N'}
cbReqUpdate = 8; {update the desktop}
cbReqUsers = 9; {returns in 'result' the total number of user names set up}
cbReqUser = 10; {given user ID in 'request', returns the decrypted user name in 'result' & current username in 'username'}
cbReqUserID = 11; {given a username in 'username', return UserID in 'result'}
cbReqUsedToday = 12; {returns true in bool if PowerLock has been used today}
cbReqAppResFile = 13; {returns in fileRef a ref to PowerLock application}
cbReqPrefsResFile = 14; {returns in fileRef a ref to the Prefs file}
cbReqAddOnResFile = 15; {restores fileRef to point to the Add-On file}
cbReqIsLicenced = 16; {returns true in bool if PowerLock is a licenced copy or false if it is unlicenced}
{PowerLock Dialog IDs}
{NOTE: the Change Password Dialog does not support the aReqDlgItem message & therefore is not listed}
{ Refer to a DeRez list or ResEdit for item numbers of each button & field }
DLOGmain = 128; {main PowerLock dialog - single user (prompts for password only)}
DLOGmainWithUsers = 132; {main PowerLock dialog - multiuser (prompts for username & password)}
DLOGuserlist = 131; {editing PowerLock usernames}
DLOGprefs = 133; {Preferences dialog}
DLOGsuperPrefs = 134; {SuperSecurity Preferences dialog}
procedure DoCBReq (req: integer; adOn: adOnPtr);
function AOIntfVersion: integer; {return version number of AddOn Interface}
procedure CallBack (req: integer; adOn: adOnPtr; addr: procPtr);
$205F, { MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 }
$4E90; { JSR (A0) }
procedure DoCBReq (req: integer; adOn: adOnPtr);
CallBack(req, adOn, adOn^.CallBackProc);
function AOIntfVersion: integer;
AOIntfVersion := 100;